The audits of the processes

There are no ideal castings and it is common knowledge among foundry workers. There are, however, such castings that would or would not meet the quality control standards. What should you do in case your castings are far from perfect and your team of engineers is running out of ideas what other changes to implement in the processes. A fresh look of an outside experienced auditor can often offer a simple solution to the problem.
Get in touch with us and we will:

  • carry out an audit of all the processes, technologies or chosen products or a part of thereof of your choice;
  • find ‘weakest links’ and ‘bottlenecks’ of the processes;
  • compile clear and straightforward reports which we will present to you while a training workshop;
  • suggest that you implement some improvements and corrections tailor-made for the specification of your foundry and its financial background;
  • put forward short and long term strategic steps to enhance a strong growth of your company;
  • support your team of engineers when collecting (modifying) documents for Quality Management System (QMS);
  • train the production staff underlying the most critical quality-related aspects of the processes in a foundry.

audyt odlewniczy

It is important to remember that very frequently confirming certain facts by the independent auditors (experts) may be a valuable point to a discussion on different levels of management in an institution.
Why don’t you use this opportunity and drop us a line, and we will assess the way your company runs by taking a good look at it suggesting room for improvement and enhancement.

♦ The audits of the processes ♦
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